Saturday, January 19, 2013

Prosthetic limbs that can feel and heal?

Recently, while waiting for my ride at the airport, I saw a man with two prosthetic arms. At the end of each arm was what looked like a hook split in half. He was able to move each hook apart in order to pick things up.
 At first, I tried not to stare, much like everyone else around. But, what can I say? I'm human. It was different and I was fascinated. Initially, I felt bad for him. But, as I watched him dial a number on his cell phone and take things out of his pockets with relative ease, I was actually quite impressed. What advancements we have made in the past few years! Fifty or so years ago this man would have been helpless. And it turns out, this is only the beginning.
I recently came across this article, describing a new polymer material capable of healing itself when cut and sending electric signals when pressure is applied to it. So, here's a riddle: What else can heal itself and send electric signals when touched? 
Yeah, skin. And that is exactly what these scientists at Stanford are creating it for (possibly other applications as well?). They intend to use for prosthetic limbs just like my friend at the airport had. 
Currently, it seems their only problem is the elasticity of the material. It doesn't quite stretch like our skin does. But, I have a feeling they'll be figuring that out soon enough. 
Now all we need is light sabers. :)

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